Out now: DACAS joint policy brief with UNU-IAS on Sustainable Smart Cities


How should policy makers apply complexity science to achieve urban sustainability?

Our joint policy brief with the United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability is now out. Download here.

Smart city approaches promise technology-based opportunities to build sustainable urban futures. However, it is unclear how current market-led approaches can contribute to achieving relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applying complexity science helps to develop smart city policies for urban sustainability.

Policymakers at the national and city levels should:

  • Develop an ethical framework for urban data and new information and communication technologies (ICTs).
  • Beware of the limitations of new urban ICTs and realise ICT-enabled opportunities alongside existing initiatives.
  • Ensure an “open data landscape” for cities and adopt transnational standards for interoperability with maximum stakeholders at all times.
  • Appreciate the co-evolution of technology and governance to create sustainability-focused, ICT-enabling landscapes and new models of multi-level governance.
  • Use new technologies to empower civil society and engage the public in future decisions.

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Announcements | February 4, 2018 12:19 am